Wrapping up and starting again…

So much has happened over the last week. We finished our module on the History and Development of Cameroon last Friday. Though it was just our first module, I have been overwhelmed with amazing and insightful information. From that module I have come to the conclusion that the problem with globalization and development currently, is how it fuses with culture. The west takes on the belief that the world must all be equal and on the same page. In order for development to work for all people and cultures, it must adjust and transform into what each culture needs it to be for its people.

The more I have learned about development and globalization, the more I am becoming excited to start business classes next semester. I think that having both the knowledge I have gained and will continue to gain throughout the semester as well as a more westernized business education will allow me to look into more jobs in the international business field. I think that it would be so exciting to see what kinds of positive and progressive business practices an be achieved when knowing and addressing the need for awareness of cultural practices.

Now we have moved camp to Dschang, a small rural city in the Midwest region of Cameroon. Today I was able to get measured for a dress that I will wear in the parade for International Women’s day, on March 8. Through this transition to Dschang I have really started to observe the differences in culture and lifestyle, compared to the capital, Yaoundé. Here in Dschang, I am given different looks, and get hissed at constantly (hissing is a cultural thing, to try and get someone else attention). Since being here I have learned a lot more about how I adapt to new situations. This time I have had less of an uncomfortable feeling in my new homestay.

Dschang is considered to be in the Bamiléké region. Tomorrow we will be traveling outside of the city to a chefferie, to sit down and talk to a Chief! Can’t wait to update you one that soon! It seems so weird to be able to say that I only have 80 more days of learning here.

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